Ajeagah Gideon Aghaindum1 , Acha Yanick ACHA2
1, 2 Hydrobiology and Environment Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde 1, PO Box 812, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Correspondence: 1ajeagahg@yahoo.com, 2yannickachaacha@gmail.com
A study was carried out from December 2017 to July 2018 at 4 sampling stations in the Mingoa drainage basin in Yaounde, Cameroon on a monthly sampling frequency, inorder to assess the community structure of ciliated protozoans. Physico-chemical analysis revealed that the waters of the Mingoa river basin, were slightly basic (from 7.64CU ± 0.52CU to 7.83CU ±0.32CU), averagely oxygenated (from 20.25% ±10.53% to 69.25% ± 38.11%). The ciliate community of the aquatic ecosystems was averagely diversified and evenly distributed. Ciliates sampled belong to 3 classes, 10 orders, 22 families, 27 genera and 34 species. The density of individuals was relatively high for some species and significant correlations were seen between these protozoans and water physico-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, and organic matter
Key words: ciliated protozoa, physico-chemical parameter, organic pollution and dynamism.